I LOVE color! And primary colors are my favorite! They are not just for kids, apparently. If you look around you they are the most popular colors used for logos, signs, and even trucks! I went on a photowalk in the summer of 2009 and was very inspired by the experience. (I have to give my husband much of the credit here, as he, the REAL photographer of the family, is the one that insisted that I go!) By the way, if you have not experienced one, check out
Scott Kelby’s Worldwide Photowalk site. They are loads of fun.
Anyway, while on this walk I was drawn by the colors in Cleveland’s cityscape. We were walking down this one street in an area known as The Flats when I came upon this deserted lounge with this amazingly vibrant red and yellow entrance. I was thinking to myself how nice it would be if there was an equally vibrant blue nearby to really set off the shot….and all I had to do was look UP – well sort of. Cleveland has this amazing cobalt blue bridge (well actually it’s more like a “royal” blue) and I figured if I just walked a ways and bent over and twisted and turned, I could get that bridge in my shot…and so I did.
I got a couple more cool primary color shots that day and a little “habit” was born…I see those colors everywhere now, and try to capture interesting shots as often as I can. I just rode on the Good Time III tour cruise for my mother-in-law’s birthday this summer and, again, was inspired by Cleveland’s primary colors. Check out my Flickr photostream for more.
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